10 things that keep people from starting their Podcast

Podcasts are hip, flexible and a phenomenal way to reach your audience. Its possibilities are almost unlimited and its benefits are ever growing but many companies and individuals still struggle to incorporate podcasting in their content strategy. The reasons are vast, and vary from lack of resources, limited budget, or just insufficient information about the medium. The most common though, are the fear of failure and lack of self-confidence, which are things that can be worked on.

We’ve gathered the top 10 things that stop individuals and companies from having a Podcast. Can you recognize any of the following in the list of excuses that you’re making to postpone creating your own Podcast?

10 excuses people tell themselves (and others) to not start a Podcast:

  1. Impostor Syndrome - “Who am I to start a Podcast?”

    • This is probably the biggest reason why people never start a Podcast: they’re afraid they are just like anyone else and that only celebrities, scholars or professionals have a reason to Podcast. Anyone who has something to say and that is of value of others should have a place to share their message.

  2. Not sure what to offer - “I have nothing of value to offer”.

    • That’s just not true. Everyone has a unique point of view that is of value to their community. If you’re unsure on what to say on your show, you can read our article about how to script your first Podcast episode.

  3. Fear of failure - “Nobody will listen to it”.

    • Remember the last time you posted on social media or had a conversation: someone engaged back, right? So why would Podcast be any different? Podcasts are a fantastic way to share content that’s consumed everywhere: good quality content creates community so if you’re sharing valuable information you’ll find your niche.

  4. Technical limitations - “It’s too complicated, and I’m not a tech-savvy person”.

    • Here you have two options: keeping things simple, or hiring out. For the first option you can consider using Anchor.FM which is a free and easy platform to initiate anyone into Podcasting! For the second, you can contact us to discuss strategizing and editing your Podcast.

  5. Fear of the unknown - “I don’t know where to start”.

    • The internet is full of resources but it can also become a rabbit hole of information. We have an article that’ll help you start your Podcast.

  6. Fear of rejection - “No one will accept being my guest”.

    • Just like any other invitation, a Podcast invitation has to be done right, be to the point and sound relevant. Think about inviting guests to your Podcast just like inviting people over for dinner: everyone loves food (= talking), making new connections, sharing their point of view and having a good time. Here’s a template that you can follow to effortlessly create your own.

  7. Confidence issues - “I’m too shy and actually, a bit socially awkward”.

    • Everyone experiences social anxiety at some level - you’re not alone. What’s best about being the Host is that you’re in full control: you can practice before the interview, research and control the flow of the episode. Only practice makes perfect - the more episodes you record, the more comfortable you’ll be!

  8. Time management - “I’m too busy”.

    1. Everyone has the same 24 hours as you. Choose to plan your day, time block and prioritize. Batching Podcast episodes is the best strategy to keep a Podcast consistent and you can learn how to make it work for you. A content strategy will also help you immensely on the planning side and avoid ‘getting stuck’ on topics.

  9. Budget limitations- “It’s too expensive”.

    • You can start your Podcast spending exactly $0 and upgrade as you grow your show or as you find a budget for it. By using your external microphone and headphones and Anchor.FM you can start Podcasting quickly and start growing your community. If you have a budget for Podcasting you can read this article on pricing and platforms that start at $7/ month.

  10. Not knowing the unique selling point - There’s too many people doing what I already do.

    • We’re all one-a-kind individuals with a unique point of view. If you are unsure if there’s already a Podcast with the same concept, then do some research on Apple Podcasts and Spotify which hold the biggest audience in the Podcasting Market. Also ask yourself why anyone would listen to your Podcast and how you can maximize your personal experience or your current network to grow your influence in the Podcast world!

If you’re still unsure if Podcasting is for you, drop us a message and let’s talk about your Podcast idea!


The right way to create a Podcast intro


Why you should ALWAYS keep a backlog of 3 Podcast episodes