How your podcast can help you become an author

When you think about a book publisher, do you imagine that scary gatekeeper who loves saying “NO!” and dashing the hopes of aspiring authors? Michelle Prince is here to kick that stereotype to the curb with a dose of positivity and approachability. Her core belief is that everyone has a story to tell, and you don’t have to be a straight-A student to write it!

Michelle Prince is a best-selling author, sought-after motivational speaker, self-publishing expert, life coach and CEO/Founder of Performance Publishing Group, a “partner” publishing company dedicated to making a difference, one story at a time. Her company helps people gain clarity on their passions, and find where it intersects with their expertise, forming their best book topic. They guide new authors through the hybrid publishing process from start to finish.

For podcasters, a book can be an incredible step towards building authority with their audience. People have to be exposed to a message several times before they can remember it, and everyone prefers different types of media. For example, some younger audience members are more likely to consume a podcast, while other audience members will prefer written content. A book offers a whole new way of reaching your audience in the form they prefer. 

Additionally, once you are a published author, more doors will open up for speaking and podcast guest opportunities. Whether you choose to publish a business card book or a full size book, your credibility is automatically boosted. Some podcast hosts will not even bring on guests who haven’t written a book, so it can literally be your golden ticket!

Okay, so you’ve decided to write a book - how long will it take to have it in hand? The first step is organizing your thoughts, stories, and experiences into how you want them to be presented - chapters, subchapters, topics, and so on. Once you get that figured out, the writing tends to go pretty quickly! You can use transcripts from your podcast episodes to fast track this process.

Then it’s time to decide how you want to publish your book. Most first time authors have two options: self-publishing or hybrid, which is what Michelle’s company does. Once your manuscript is finished, you can have your book in hand as quickly as 4-6 months.  

At the end of the day, your book will become your business card. It’s a way to give an encapsulated intro to who you are and what you do. Your authority will be cemented, and your credibility strengthened, opening doors to more opportunities. Michelle only has one question for you - what are you going to write YOUR book about? 

Highlights of the interview:

  • You don’t need a degree in English Literature to write a book. A compelling story is what matters most. You can always have someone write the book for you (a ghostwriter), find a coach, or you can take a class to build your confidence.

  • Want to be more memorable on networking events? Give away your books: people throw away business cards, not books. Books hold value!

  • Being a published author will fast track your goals. Requests for public speaking, media features or higher profile podcasters will flow more abundantly once you’ve added ‘author’ to your biography.

  • You can work smarter, not harder: repurpose the content you’ve already created on podcast episodes, blog posts, articles, or social media posts onto a book. Just because someone listened to your podcast, it doesn’t mean that they won’t read your book too.

  • Two types of publishers: traditional and hybrid.

  • You can get a book published as soon as 4 months, but for most people, it can take up to a year.

Links from this interview:

Performance Publishing Group

Michelle Prince’s website

The Power of Authority Spotlight

Are you ready to start your journey as an author?

Contact Michelle Prince to start working on your story!


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