How To Find Your Voice, Plus Vocal Health Tips For Podcasters

As podcasters (still) spend our days on endless Zoom and phone calls on top of recording, our voices can get real tired real fast. Voice fatigue has exponentially grown through the past year.

That's why I am beyond excited to be sharing my conversation with vocal health coach, voice actor, and podcaster Nic Redman in this ‘Interviews with Experts’ series!

How podcasters’ voices can stay healthy

Nic is originally from Northern Ireland but she’s currently based in Manchester, England. Passionate about accents and dialects, Nic has done voiceover work for some of the UK’s biggest’s brands like Tesco, BBC, and TK Max. Besides her voice acting work and coaching, Nic has some of the best online podcast and vocal tips, particularly because her videos are both educational and very doable for podcasters on any level.

Check out one of her voice warming exercises!

So some of the best tips for vocal health have nothing to do with spending hours on end practicing vocal exercises and more with hydration and body positioning. In this chat Nic demonstrated the impact of a bad position on the vocal cords and how to fix it, and we also discussed the two ways podcasters can stay hydrated to avoid sounding clicky and tired.

Podcasting isn’t Radio, so stop it with the ‘radio voice’

With the explosion of podcasting, people are becoming more welcoming to different accents, dialects and fully embracing speech differences. Nic and I spoke about the importance of identifying (and differentiating between )the elements that are getting in the way of communicating with your audience and the elements that may close in your relationship with them (like a lisp or a higher pitched voice).

If the content and the audio quality are good, keep going! You can always hire a vocal coach to fix some elements but those elements should never stop you from serving your audience with your knowledge and personality!

How to find your voice

Finding your voice as a podcaster entails more than your voice frequency.

What type of podcast persona do you want to be? While it’s fine to create a host persona based on your personality traits, or create an alter ego as you explore who you want to become, it can get tricky if you create a whole fake persona that has absolutely nothing to do with who you are in real life. This is particularly important to get right if you are using the podcast as a way to create leads for your business. Think about it - if someone seals a deal with you and then you showcase your true self, your client may feel cheated on!

Both Nic and I explore what creating an authentic persona looks like and how important it is to not waste energy on becoming someone else!

Podcast tips

As the host and co-host of a total of two podcast, Nic has a wealth of useful tips, including the two ways you can launch a podcast, best practices for batching and how to improve your vocal health without leaving the house!

Watch the whole conversation below:

Connect with Nic Redman:

Follow the Voice Coach Podcast to improve your pod:

Follow The Voiceover Social Podcast for fascinating information about the Voice Acting, Accents and Dialects world:

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