The secret formula to repurpose one podcast episode into many

We’ve all been there: you record an amazing piece of content and after spending hours researching, editing it, publishing and promoting it, you feel exhausted and then it’s rinse and repeat the following week.

No wonder you may experience burnout - the content creation process uses so much of your energy…but it doesn’t need to feel that way. That’s where my 10+ years of experience in Podcasting come in to show you a smarter way! A way that could save you countless hours of work and leave more time for you to enjoy your family’s company, make more meaningful connections and help you reach thousands of people while you sleep!

Reusing old podcast episodes and being organized is KEY to stay motivated and provide value in a consistent basis without burning out. But if you’re thinking that this kind of strategy may super complicated, worry not: the best part is that you only need TWO things to make this process work! And those are a content strategy plan to track your episodes, and sticking to the plan.

That’s it!

But if you’re thinking: “Well, won’t my ideal customer notice this?” Not really.

Here are 3 reasons why it works:

  1. Listeners usually skip episodes because they tend to pick episodes according to the topic or title

  2. They can’t remember every detail about every episode they’ve listened to (partly because they were probably multitasking)

  3. You’ll have new listeners who just started following you and haven’t gone through your library of episodes

Mind-blowing, right?

So how do you implement this?

Here’s the episode repurpose formula that I currently follow while working on my clients’ episodes:

The key is to do this in the moment, otherwise you won’t be able to remember most of it:

  1. Record podcast

  2. Add markings or time stamps of relevant information while you’re editing the episode (Audacity and Adobe audition let you do this) or as you listen to your raw file, go ahead and grab those parts that will be stand-alone episodes and save them as separate files

  3. Master and export main episode

  4. Open your episode/content tracker and add the topics as ‘extra episodes’

  5. Release each episode individually, spaced out enough that your audience doesn’t notice - or when you know you’ll want to take vacation!

  6. Sit back and relax…knowing that you’re working ahead.

    And that's how one recording = multiple episodes

Want to maximize this strategy even more? Make sure that your content is timeless or evergreen.

If you’re still struggling to create a strategy that converts listeners into clients, book a strategy session with our team.


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